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来源:峰值财经 发布时间:2023-06-08 浏览量:


Zhuji Blue City Chunfeng Jiangnan Sales Office Phone: 400 000 5730 ext. 8888


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??蓝城·诸暨春风江南 ??蓝城·诸暨春风江南,位于诸暨五泄4A景区旁,以五泄天赋秀美的自然风光为画幕,延续诸暨文脉肌理,汇集杭州桃李春风、安吉天使小镇等蓝城经典中式合院营造经验之大成,吸取苏派、徽派中式建筑精华,在山水秘境之间,专为当代名人雅士打造有天有地有花园的江南院落生活。

?? Blue City · Zhuji Spring Breeze Jiangnan ?? Blue City · Zhuji Spring Breeze Jiangnan is located next to Zhuji Wuxie 4A Scenic Area. With the beautiful natural scenery of Wuxie as the painting screen, it continues the cultural texture of Zhuji, gathers the achievements of classic Chinese style courtyard construction experience of Hangzhou Taoli Spring Breeze, Anji Angel Town and other blue cities, absorbs the essence of Suzhou and Anhui Chinese style buildings, and creates a Jiangnan courtyard life with nature, land and garden for contemporary celebrities and refined scholars in the mysterious landscape.

项目信息◎ 产品类型:蓝城经典中式合院◎ 户型面积:约130-370㎡◎ 花园面积:户均面积约120㎡◎ 容积率:约0.44◎ 绿化率:45%◎ 交付状态:毛坯交付,提供后精装服务◎ 物业:绿城物业◎

Project Information ◎ Product Type: Blue City Classic Chinese Style Courtyard ◎ Unit Area: About 130-370 ㎡ ◎ Garden Area: Average Household Area of About 120 ㎡ ◎ Floor Area Ratio: About 0.44 ◎ Greening Rate: 45% ◎ Delivery Status: Rough Delivery, Post Decoration Services Provided ◎ Property: Green City Property ◎


项目区位:诸暨五泄风景度假区蓝城集团由宋卫平先生带领绿城核心团队和优秀资源组建而成。自2016年起,一座座蓝城小镇在全国掀起中式热潮,成为无数人的心中向往。目前蓝城小镇已进驻中国17个省及直辖市,营造89个蓝城小镇。(以上数据截至2022年2月28日)??多维交通随杭州开启“拥江时代”,城市向南外拓,诸暨融杭开启快进模式。蓝城·诸暨春风江南位于诸暨融杭先行区,多维交通,为双城生活加速。从诸暨站到杭州南,城际高铁最快约18分钟;“绿巨人”通勤列车开通,无缝对接沪杭;沪昆高速、杭州二绕瞬抵杭州及萧山国际机场,双城畅连,方便通勤,快人一步;新的G235国道通车在即,直抵萧山,交通再升级,全维路网 ,畅行加速度。沿S308省道20+分钟直达富阳。

Project location: The Blue City Group of Zhuji Wuxie Scenic Resort was formed by Mr. Song Weiping leading the Green City core team and excellent resources. Since 2016, blue city towns have sparked a Chinese style craze across the country, becoming the hearts of countless people. At present, Bluetown has settled in 17 provinces and municipalities in China, creating 89 Bluetown towns. (The above data is as of February 28, 2022) ?? With the opening of the "River Embracing Era" in Hangzhou, multi-dimensional transportation has expanded southward, and the integration of Zhuji and Hangzhou has opened up a fast forward mode. Blue City · Zhuji Spring Breeze Jiangnan is located in the leading area of Zhuji Ronghang, with multi-dimensional transportation, accelerating the life of the two cities. From Zhuji railway station to Hangzhou South, the fastest inter city high-speed railway is about 18 minutes; The "Green Giant" commuter train has been opened, seamlessly connecting Shanghai and Hangzhou; The Shanghai Kunming Expressway and Hangzhou Second Ring Road immediately reach Hangzhou and Xiaoshan International Airport, with smooth connection between the two cities, making commuting convenient and one step faster; The new G235 National Highway is about to open, directly reaching Xiaoshan, with further upgrading of transportation, a fully maintained road network, and smooth acceleration. Go straight to Fuyang along Provincial Highway S308 for 20+minutes.



Abundant supporting projects are located in the Wuxie Mountains and Rivers, close to the nature and not far away from the prosperity. The one-stop urban leisure, entertainment, shopping, medical care, education and other services are satisfied. Self built holiday parks allow owners to enjoy a holiday style life at their doorstep. The prosperous nature can be switched at will, demonstrating the beautiful life vision of landscape poetry and fireworks life. The project can reach the center of Wuxie Town on foot, with complete supporting facilities such as supermarkets and agricultural trade, providing a one-stop solution to meet daily needs; Chengshan Road leads directly to the west of the city, including Hailiang Education Park, Baolong City Square, People's Hospital, high-speed railway station, etc. The north side of the construction of a 20 minute living circle project will revolve around an approximately 8000 square meter reservoir and plan to create a vacation themed park. Happy Farm, Fresh Fruit Orchard, Fishing Ground, Jogging Trail, Starry Camp, Flower Sea and other nine scenic spaces provide more opportunities for children's growth, elderly care, and elite stress relief, making it a great place to go on vacation at home.



Blue City · Zhuji Spring Breeze Jiangnan Luozi 4A Scenic Area - Next to Wuxie National Forest Park, Wuxie is famous for its "one water and five fold" five level waterfall at home and abroad. The regional forest coverage rate is about 94.5%, the air negative oxygen ion concentration is about 20000 to 30000 per cubic centimeter, and the annual average temperature is about 15.5 degrees. It is a rare natural vacation and leisure destination between the beautiful mountains and rivers. ◆ Quadruple Yiqu Garden, Reproducing a 3D Mountain Dwelling Map ◆ The overall plot ratio of the project is only about 0.44, which is a rare low-density courtyard in Hangzhou. With mountains and rivers as the medium and poetry and painting as the essence, it draws on the charm of famous gardens in Jiangnan. Utilizing a 22m overall height difference, the garden undulates with the mountains, and the landscape is layered and scattered, like a rare 3D Mountain Dwelling Map. The Chinese alleys climb up the stairs, creating a poetic home experience of "step by step scenery, winding paths leading to seclusion".


