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独家专访 Moderna 联合创始人,MIT最高荣誉教授 Robert Langer

来源:峰值财经 发布时间:2023-07-03 浏览量:

(原标题:独家专访 Moderna 联合创始人,MIT最高荣誉教授 Robert Langer)编者按:本文作者Mia 王璟晗,动脉网获权转载。>>>>前文介绍北京时间5月31日凌晨3:30 (美东时间5月30日下午3:30), World Science Hill 独家专访了美国著名化学家、企业家、发明家Robert Langer教授。>>>>本期嘉宾介绍Robert Langer(罗伯特·兰格尔)教授是麻省理工学院(MIT)享有最高荣誉的教授之一,拥有1400余份专利,是世界上最高引用量的科学家之一,在生物科技中的药物开发和组织工程学领域获得了举世瞩目的成就,同时他也参与创立了包括Moderna在内的40余家生物医药企业,2021年以49亿美金身价进入Forbes 400财富排行榜,名列第222位,被誉为当代“医药爱迪生”。>>>>前情提要在此次 World Science Hill的专访中,Robert Langer 教授简要分享了自己对于生物医药、药物开发的理解以及对后人工智能时代的生物科技发展进行了展望,此外Robert Langer 教授还为生物方向的在读学生们分享了自己宝贵的经验和建议。△(World Science Hill 创始人Mia 王璟晗独家专访Robert Langer视频截图)Question/01@Mia王璟晗Can you use a short sentence to describe your main research interest?你能用一个简短的句子来描述你的主要研究方向吗?@Robert LangerMy research interest is biomedical engineering, particularly in drug delivery systems and tissue engineering.我的研究兴趣主要是生物医学工程,尤其是药物开发系统和组织工程。Question/02@Mia王璟晗For your field, what is the ultimate goal?对于你的领域,最终的目标是什么?@Robert LangerThe ultimate goal is to get a basic understanding of the phenomenon that affects both of these, drug delivery and tissue engineering, and to develop technologies that will enable them to solve and address different problems and applications.最终目标是对影响药物输送和组织工程这两者的现象有一个基本的了解,并开发技术,使其能够解决和处理应用中的不同问题。Question/03@Mia王璟晗What is the relation between bioinformatics and biotechnology? How did you utilize bioinformatics tools and databases in your research or industrial experiences?生物信息学和生物技术之间的关系是什么?在研究或工业经验中,你是如何利用生物信息学工具和数据库的?@Robert LangerBioinformatics is developing methods for understanding biologic data, in particular when data are large and complex. Biotechnology involves using biologic and engineering principles to create new biologic entities and medical entities. Their relation is that in some cases, like deciphering the genome, bioinformatics is critical to making advances in biotechnology.生物信息学是一种用来理解生物数据的方法,特别是当数据庞大而复杂时。生物技术涉及使用生物和工程原理来创造新的生物实体和医学实体。他们二者的关系是,在某些特定的课题中,例如破译基因组,生物信息学更是取得进展的关键。Question/04@Mia王璟晗For drug design, many people are trying to use AI for assistance. Do you think AI will improve the efficiency of drug design? And how?对于药物设计,很多人都在尝试使用人工智能进行协助。你认为人工智能会提高药物设计的效率吗?以及如何提高?@Robert LangerI do think that AI will improve the efficiency of drug design. I think you can use AI to analyze chemical structures for example and use that information about structures as a guide to design the next-generation structures and then test them.我确实认为,人工智能将提高药物设计的效率。我认为你可以使用人工智能来分析,例如,化学结构,以及对不同区域看起来有影响的结构的其他信息,并将其作为设计下一代结构的指南,然后进行测试。Question/05@Mia王璟晗Can you explain the concept of gene editing and its potential applications in biotechnology? Will it be the next game changer for the world?你能解释一下基因编辑的概念及其在生物技术中的潜在应用吗?它是否会成为世界的下一个重大变革呢?@Robert LangerGene editing, which involves what it says, means that you can cut and paste things out of the genome, so that you can perhaps get rid of gene sequences you don’t want or add sequences you do want, to cure the disease for example. Will it be a game changer? I think it will be one of the game changers, but there will be other game changers too.基因编辑,涉及到它所说的,意味着你可以从基因中剪切和粘贴一些片段到基因中,因此,你也许可以通过基因编辑来去掉你不想要的片段,或者增加你想要的片段,比如可以治愈疾病的基因,或者是不会导致某种特定疾病的基因片段等等。这将是一个改变世界的新技术吗?我认为是的,但准确来说,它将只是改变世界的新技术之一,因为毫无疑问,也会有其他新技术同样改变着世界。Question/06@Mia王璟晗For new students trying to gain a degree in biology or related subjects, do you have any suggestions or advice for them?对于生物学或相关学科学位的新生,您对他们有什么建议或忠告吗?@Robert LangerFrom the educational point of view, my advice to students, especially undergraduate students, is to learn fundamentals. Take the most basic courses like molecular biology and cell biology. I also think it’s good to do research.从教育的角度来看,我对学生,特别是本科生的建议或忠告是多学习基础知识。学习最基本的课程,如分子生物学和细胞生物学,我还认为尽早开始做科研是一件非常有帮助的事情。
