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来源:峰值财经 发布时间:2023-05-13 浏览量:

My Little Sister Candy让人觉得童真是件多么美好的事情。一起来感受一下吧!


十五. My Little Sister Candy

Living with my little sister Candy can be hard. Candy is five years old. She always copies me. When I sit in front of my computer, she will touch my keyboard and screen. When I practice handwriting , she’ll stay as long as I do, and if I am playing chess with my friend, she will make so much noise.

She doesn't like dolls as most girls do. She loves model planes, toy guns and robots , but it's easy for her to turn her attention to something else. One moment she is laughing and clapping her little hands;the next she is kicking her plane and then reaching for the edge of the table. That's because she finds some drugs on the table. Of course, the drugs should not be available to her.

Last Sunday, I had a cold, so I tried to get her separated from me. I stayed in my bedroom and asked her to stay in our living room, and then I told very easy riddles for her to answer. At first, she showed great interest in guessing riddles in this way, but later she came to my room, answering me no more but with her mouth open wide, and tried her best to pull me out of my room. At last, I had to take her to walk along the path through our garden.

Candy is always following me, but I love my little sister candy.



和我的小妹妹卡迪住在一起很不容易。卡迪五岁了。她总是模仿我。当我坐在电脑前,她会触摸(touch)我的键盘(keyboard)和屏幕(screen)。当我练习书法(handwriting)时,我呆多久她就呆多久,如果我和朋友下象棋(play chess),她就会制造很多噪音(make so much noise)。

她不像大部分女孩那样喜欢娃娃(doll)。她喜爱飞机模型(model)、玩具枪(toy gun)和机器人(robot),但她的注意力很容易转移。一会儿拍(clap)着小手笑,一会儿又在踢(kick)她的飞机,一会伸手去够桌子的边缘(edge)。那是因为她发现桌子上有一些药(drugs)。当然了,那些药是不应让她得到的(available)。

上个星期天,我感冒了,因此我尽量让她和我分开(separate)。我呆在我的卧室,让她在我们的起居室,然后我说一些很简单的谜语(riddle)让她回答。起初,她对用这种方式猜谜语(guess riddles)很感兴趣,但后来不再回答我,而是来到我的房间,把嘴巴(mouth)张得大大的,竭尽全力地想把我拉出去。最后,我不得不带着她沿着花园中的小路(path)散步。


十六. Pupils in China

On Tuesday, October 4, Mr. Goff visited our class. He is Karen's dad, and he just got back from a business trip to China.

He has many pictures of busy cities and beautiful mountains. His pictures are worthseeing. Mr. Goff came to our class to tell us what life is like in China.

We learned that pupils in China went to school six days a week in the past but now they have a rest at weekends. They write with 2,000 characters(字) instead of 26 letters . Each character is a complete word. They also review their lessons. After school, pupils play basketball and volleyball and ride bikes. They do the samethings as we do.

Mr. Goff said a businessman from China would visit him soon. We will invite the man to our class. In that way, he can tell us more about pupils in China.



10月(October)4日星期二(Tuesday).高夫先生来到我们班。他是克伦的爸爸.他去中国(China)商务旅行(business trip)刚回来。

他有很多图片——繁忙的(busy)城市和美丽的山川(mountains)。他的图片值得一看(be worth seeing)。高夫先生来我们班为我们讲述中国人的生活。

我们得知中国的小学生(pupil)在过去(in the past)是每周上六天课,但现在他们是在周末(at weekends)休息了。他们书写(write)2000个汉字而不是(instead of) 26个字母(letter)。每个(each)汉字是一个完整的字(complete word)。他们也复习(review)功课。放学后,小学生们打篮球和排球还骑自行车。他们和我们做一样的(the same)事情。

高夫先生说一位来自中国的生意人不久要来拜访他。我们将邀请(invite)这个人来我们班。那样(in that way),他就可以给我们讲述更多关于中国小学生的事情了。
